Saturday 15 February 2014

The African Origins of Civilization

The African Origins of Civilization.

Proto-Humans and Africa:

We do live in a World today, and where in all, the very origins of Mankind or Humanity in itself, or even Humans truly even, is not well taken into account. This in many a way, does very much have to do, and with just how in all, the Western World, and as with it even deeming itself Civilization actually, does in all view, the evolution of Mankind in all [or even Humans truly in all]. In many a way, this does not speak of Hominids and such as Homo Erectus for instance, and as British Scholars in all, do often attempt to think of Mankind or Humans in all truly, and as said even, as having given birth to the differing Races to be seen on Earth [and as with speak even of certain groups of people, and as not actually able in all, to breed with each other] [and as with speak even of Children with certain conditions, and such as Autism too, and which are said in all too even, to speak of Genetic disorders actually], but that in all ways even, the Western World and as said Civilization, and as differing from the British World too, does in all associate the origins of Humans in all again, and with Asian Civilizations too, and as with attempting in all to say that, Asian Civilizations and Asians in general too, are viewed in all and as said having even, many an ancient Custom and Tradition they do adhere to, and to this very day, and that in all ways even, the Western World and as deemed even Civilization, does actually speak and of making progress in all, and as with regards to these Customs and Traditions that is.

To speak though and of the said African Origins of Civilization, is to speak of it even and as centered in all perhaps, and in Egyptian Civilization too. In many a way in all, it actually in all again speaks of the complicated History of Egyptian Civilization that is, and as with it even said to have many an origins to it all actually.

The first of these origins, do speak even and of Ancient Man in himself, and as with he said not Homo Erectus or Neathedral in his ways, but in all ways even, speaking of Cro-Magnon Man (and as with he Egyptian too), and also Grimaldi Man (and as with he Greek too actually). In all, Ancient Man, and as highly said somewhat truly even Knowledgeable, and in Ritual in itself, and as with it even merging in all, and as with speak even of the rise of Civilization too, and with Cosmology in itself, and in many a way too speak even of the very world of Freemasonry for instance [and the rise of Architecture in many a way too actually].

The second of these said origins of Humans in all, does speak even of the very belief that, the Gods in all, did actually walk on this Earth, and in the form of Deities too actually. In many a way, this speaking even of the Neter and in Egypt too for instance, and as with they said even possessing Knowledge in all, Sacred too, and which did give rise to Civilization, and in the most difficult of situations in all that is [and as with this even referring to the rise of Civilization in Egypt in all, and as with it said a place even, very much Desert like in itself actually]. In all ways even, a model adhered to in all, and by other Civilizations and such as Meso-American Civilization in all, and as with this even speaking of the Great Sphinx at Gaza, and even the Olmec Heads to in all, and as representing in all again, just whom these said Human Gods in all and as Deities too, truly were actually.

The third of these, does speak even of Egyptian Civilization and Civilization and as seen in Iraq too, and which in all ways even, does acquaint itself, and with the term the Primeval, and as with it even speaking of Humanity in all, and Human life too, and as primarily based around the rise of society, and as with this basically even speaking of Domesticity in all that is. A way of thinking of Civilization, and as with regards to Adaptation in all, and as with speak even of the rise of Lawful societies too, and which in all ways even does appear to speak of Human societies and as evolving along with the help in all (and speak even of aid and assistance too), and of so termed Higher Beings actually [and such as Angels too for instance].

The fourth of these, is just where Egyptian Civilization does meet Italian Civilization, and in all ways even, does speak of the rise of Humanity and Humans in all, and as Intelligent Beings too, and who in all ways even, do master Language in itself actually [that Language is said to originate in Egypt in all, and the very world in all again and of classifying Languages and as Semite, Semitic, Afro-Asiatic, Romance, Nilo-Saharan etc., and as with furtherly telling one that, Greek, Italian and Egyptian Language and as seen in Lower Egypt too, is actually Semite, and with Jewish on the otherhand, actually an Afro-Asiatic Language in all], and in all ways even does speak of the Italians in all again, and as compared to other peoples in the World perhaps, believed to be more masterly of Language in all, and as with this basically even speaking of the rise of the English Language too, and to World dominance even, and as with it having its origins, and with the (Roman) Celts in Italy actually.

The fifth of these, is just where in all again perhaps, Africa in all, does truly meet Egyptian Civilization [and outside speak of Sphinxes in all, and as African Deities too]. In all again, it does speak even, and of the very world of associating Intelligence and Spirituality, and with Reptilian life forms too that is. In all ways even, the Serpent, and as worshiped in all even, and in Egypt too, giving rise and to the very world of the Egyptian Pharaohs [and speak even of the Pyramids at Gaza too], and in all ways even, the belief that Civilization has always existed in Africa, but not well understood by most in all, does speak even and of African Spirituality and Intelligence even, and as merging with the world of Crocodiles, and as said Spiritual Reptilian life forms too that is. In all ways even, a failure to understand perhaps, just what Intelligence and Spirituality too, and as associated in all, and with Crocodiles in all again, does stand for, and as with it even in many a way, actually speaking of defining life, and as based around Sedentarism/'The Sedentary' in all actually.

In all ways though, Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia), and as differing from the rest of Africa, and as Civilization in it, actually does speak of the Language model of defining Civilization in all that is.

The Sedentary: