Thursday 27 February 2014

The Seas

The Seas.

Ocean/Sea Spirits & Africa:

Those living in Africa, might have heard in all, and of Ocean Spirits too. This in many a way does speak even and of beliefs in Mermaids or even Sea Nymphs, and in visions and Dreams too that is. In many a way, they are often associated, and with Healing practices too that is.

In all, this does speak and of just how we do basically define our societies today actually. That societies in the Ancient World in all, were heavily even grounded in all, and in speak of Gender too [and as with defining Manliness and Womanliness, and along the lines of Goddesses and Gods, and not Media either], but that in always even, more tumultuous times in History, and as with speak even of the European Ages, do see societies grounded in Race actually [and as with further speak even of Ivan Van Sertima and 'The Golden Age of the Moor' too], while the Modern World in all, does see societies in all, actually mainly grounded in speak of Class actually [and further speak even of Favouristism, and as based around perceived Beauty/Attractiveness too that is].

This post though, does take into the account that life and as viewed from speak of Gender in all actually, does speak even and of comparisons to the past, and as with speak even of Evolution in itself, but that in all ways even, Ocean Spirits, can be said in all to help us actually, truly learn how to define new norms and notions even, and of Gender in itself too actually [and as with this even and as with regards to Evolution too, speaking of Humans in all and as having defined life on Earth, and as with further speak even of Pain/Pleasure, Battles/Combat, perceptions of Heaven and Hell, or even speak of Religious Figures too, and as truly based around Gender in all actually].