Thursday 6 February 2014



Many in Africa today in all, have been indocrinated in many a way, and in believing in speak of African Inferiority that is. That this in all ways even, does speak of the fact, that when Africans in all do excel actually, they are still in many a way, not viewed from speak of Potential (and as with speak even of other Africans that is), but in all ways even from speak of the belief that, such successes or excelling in all, is in many a way an exception, and that it in all again, does not in many a way even, underwrite, beliefs in African Inferiority that is.

To make this rather silly argument rather simple to explain, is to know that, African Inferiority, is actually based around Fixations in all. That most out there, and as with speak particularly even, and of Mothering too, have been in all again, simply being raised in all, and as with speak even of Modern Mindsets too, and in worshiping anything with straight hair, white skin or caucosoid features too that is. In all ways even, this does speak in many a way, and of Modern/Western Media in all, and as with presenting many a person deemed superior out there, and from the perspective of Ordinance in all [and as with they basically presented as Idols too in all again, and as with this even speaking of Relief, Sexual or even Hunger oriented in all that is (that Idols in all again, do simply speak and of all forms, varieties and kinds of Relief that is, and as with their even in all ways even, simply able to Relieve one and from just about anything too)].

In all ways even, knowing Fixations to be somewhat of an African problem, is to in all speak even of the Egyptian God Ptah, and as with Egyptian Architecture and Art, and in many a way even presented from the very perspective of Fixations too that is, and as with Egyptian Architecture even, known to cure many a Fixation that one might have, and automatically too, and as with this even speaking of being totally free, and as with speak even of what some do call Rejoicing in all, and in exclaiming and as one does wish that is [and as with this even defining everyday Happiness in Africa in all, and as with not being judged in all again, and via speak even and of just how one does exclaim in all that is].

In all ways even, Ptah, and as very much African [and as reminding one that, the Egyptians in all again, and as Pyramid Builders, were actually Racially African in all, and not a Wordly Race and as often presented too that is], and that the worship of Ptah in all, or any other African God similar to him in all again, can help Africans truly deal and with the rather problematic issue even, and of Fixations that is [and as with this even speaking of the need to eat something rather sweet or spicy, and in the name of finding Self-Relief in all, and in Kenya too for instance].
