Thursday 6 February 2014

the American Interest

the American Interest.

Political Leadership and Tanzania:

Tanzania in many a way, is a Country or place, and that is in many a way too, somewhat backward and as with regards to what some do call Sentiment that is [or simply in all again, having a strong opinion, or a funny one too, and on just about anything that is]. That in many a way, Sentiments in all, do arise and with Political life, and that Tanzania in all again, and as with speak even of Developing the place in all, is actually truly guided in all, and by Sentiment that is (and as versus Creative Expression/Thought), but with Tanzanians in all again, and as compared to all other Africans too, believed backward even, and when it does come to Political Thought, or Political Leadership too that is [and as with all this even, not only speaking of Swahili dominance and influence and in Tanzania too, but in many a way even, the very fact that Tanzanians in many a way, have not undergone many a transformation in all, and in attempting to create Identity in all again, Political too, and as based around what is perceived even to embody in all, African Political Thought that is].

Having said the above, and knowing Tanzanians not to care to know too much, and about the rest of Africa (and outside Kenya too perhaps), is to perhaps tell them that, Tanzanians in many a way, can truly come to Develop Tanzania in all, and as based around knowing whom they are, and from speak of Sentiment too that is [and not Creativity or Intelligence truly either], and as Sentiment in all again (and in all its forms too) [and as with basic speak even of the 'Juicy' music video and by Notorious B.I.G too], is just whom they are and when do attempt to do just about anything or everything too, and in Tanzania that is [hopefully this is understood, and as in many another place, speak of Pangs or Rights, or even Group Memory too, do serve and as basic motivator in all, and in keeping society running and working that is].

In all ways even, and for the Tanzanian in all, and as truly tired of living in a Tanzania, and where change in all again is at times believed or perceived even Individual in its ways, is to perhaps introduce them in all, and to Sentiment too, and as defined in many a way, and by Conservative Americans too perhaps, and as with the kind of Sentiment they do embody, and as with one picking up on it, truly capable of helping one in all, learn how to adapt to life in Tanzania, and while staying hopeful, and that ones Individual dreams in all again [and not Group or National either], will actually become a reality too that is.

American Sentiment and the Diatribe: Link
