Tuesday 18 February 2014

African Linguistics

African Linguistics.

African Phonetics:

Many in Africa today, have been brought up in all, and in basically viewing Africa, and from the very perspective of its Languages [and as with speak even of the source posted above that is]. In many a way, this has resulted and in an erroneous picture and of just whom Africans truly are, and as with speak even and of just how they do think of themselves, and their lives in general that is. That in many another part of the World, Language, and as with truly mastering it even, and in Accent too perhaps, does speak even of being Cultured in all, and in the creation in many a way, and of a concrete Native Identity that is.

In Africa though, one does find that, it is the very world of African Linguistics in all, and as versus Language in itself too, and as with speak even of African Phonetics, and that are truly defining of the people [that in Africa, it is not the mastering of Language that does make one African, but in many a way even, speak in all and of Phoentics, and the possessing of said African Voices (and as with they drastically even differing in all), but in all ways even, speak even of Semantics, and as with further speak even of factual pronunciation for instance (and as versus proper pronunciation too), and that does determine in all, and whether one is considered a genuine African or not that is] [that in all again, being slurred in speech for instance, is considered Kenyan in many a way actually].

When one does view Africa as above, one then realize that a whole new Classification system, does come into place, and one where in all again, African Linguistics in all, and as compared to African Languages too, and as very much merging with African ways of living that is, and as with speak even of being slurred in speech, defining Leisure activity, and in Kenya too for instance [in all, African Linguistics, and as merging with African Leisure and Entertainment in many a way actually] [and all this as versus Language, and which does speak in all, and of modes of living in all (and as with speak of a Family Dinner and at an Ethnic Restaurant too), and as versus ways of living that is].

In all, Africa as viewed as above, does speak even and of not only African speech patterns in themselves, but in many a way too, dividing Africa culturally, and into the following groupings: Egyptian, Berber, Hamitic, Sudanic, Cushitic, Nilotic, and even Judaic too [and as with all this even referring to African speech patterns and phonetics too, and not African Language truly either].

While Egyptian does speak of Egypt, Berber on the otherhand, does actually speak of North Africa in all and outside Egypt too, while Hamitic does speak of Eritrea, Djibouti, Northern Sudan, the Sahel, and even Nigeria too actually. Cushitic on the otherhand does speak in all and of Ethiopia and Somalia, while Nilotic only refers to Kenya actually. Sudanic on the otherhand, speaks of most of Africa, and as consisting of West Africa (and outside Nigeria), Southern Sudan, the Congo region of Africa, Tanzania, and even Southern Africa and minus South Africa too. Finally, Judaic, and as speaking even of South Africa too actually [and making South Africa, more similar in speech patterns for instance, and to the parts of the Middle East in all actually]. Finally in all again perhaps, the Swahili, and as more or less Semitic truly, and as with regards to all this [and as with they in all, a people similar to those in the Middle East, and in speech patterns and phonetics too that is].

In many a way, this Classification system, and as very much speaking of whom Africans are and as a people proud of their Homelands in all, and all this too minus Uganda, and whose people in all cannot be properly classified, and as Ugandans are actually similar to all other Africans and outside those in Abyssinia (Ethiopia, Kenya, Somalia)  too that is, and in many a way, to speak of Ugandans as one, is to in all again even speak of the Biblical tale of Shem, Ham and Japheth, and as said to speak of the Middle East in many a way, when it does actually speak of Egypt/Africa, and as in attempting to say that, the Shemites/Semites, the Hamites and even the Japhetites in all, were actually an African people, and with the Ugandans in all again, believed here in all said actually, Japhetic in their ways actually.