Saturday 8 February 2014

African Timelines

African Timelines.

Many in Africa in all, do tend to perceive African Historical Timelines, and from a poor perspective that is. In many a way, this does even speak of viewing African and World History in all again, and from speak of African Perspectives of themselves and others too [and as with this even referring and to the current problems that Modern day Africa does face that is] [and as with all this too in all again, speaking of those who do believe African problems in all, can be solved and via a Business/Trade Mindset too that is] [most who do in all view Africa as such, tend to view Africa in all again, and alongside speak of America too that is]. There are those on the otherhand, who do in all tackle Africa's problems, and from speak even of Political Views, and as with this even speaking of those and who do in all again, perceive perhaps, African History and even World History too, and from Western Authoritarian Sources that is, and as with further speak even of their Views in all, and as with regards to what does constitute for or make for Advancement, Development and Progress, and in speak of Africa and as viewed from the lenses of Gender, Race, Age and Class too that is [and with this even speaking of the UN too perhaps].

There is however, another way of viewing Africa in all, and as with speak even of Regional or Local Development too, and which does in all ways even speak of Engagements actually. That in all, this does speak even, and of viewing oneself and not only from a Local or Regional perspective too, but in many a way even, from speak of defining in all, Public, Private, Hidden, Secret and even Personal lives too, and to their highest levels, and as with speak even and of evoking envy, and from those not of ones Region too that is [and as with speak even of Lagos vs. Abuja for instance]. In all, when one does think of Africa as such, perhaps in all again, the above work posted, 'Setting the Desert on Fire', can truly help one not only have a Timeline on viewing Development in all, and in Africa too, and from the very perspective of many an Engagement too actually [and as with this model of living, and at a much higher level even, and than the other two posted above that is].